
Home: Free Pillow crochet pattern for begginers

Hey Hookers

I thought you might want a pattern to start finally your pillow project. So here is a "sunny pattern" to bright your days. This is an easy project to pick up. Cheap and chic.




Happy Sunday, Happy Easter!

Hi, everybody

This is my first post of 2013 and I would like to wish you all the best in 2013. Thank you for everything: Comments, messages, visits, friendship, love and so much more:-)

Happy, Happy Easter,



Skyfall by Flor


For my/our delight, James Bond is back in a brand new adventure. So now I have a good excuse to finally spend some good time stitching and transforming Daniel Craig in a piece of cross stitch art.
If you want the color chart, please ask.
Looking for reasons to see Skyfall? Go to http://www.wort.lu/en/view/skyfall-official-teaser-released-4fbbb574e4b0553ada8760f2 and take a look in the official teaser trailler.

Happy weekend, thanks for reading and welcome new followers.



Crochet: Captain America and Iron Man

Calling all crafters and comic book lovers:-)

Look where I`ve found inspiration for my new crochet motifs: Super heroes:-) Yes. Iron Man and Captain America are my new source of inspiration.

I will make a cover to preserve the book while I`m travelling. And to try to preserve his smell.
I love to smell books before reading. Yes, I`m weird. Who isn`t? Dr. Seuss said “We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” So true!
If you are looking for some good hours of reading, fun and action, I recommend this book. The ISBN is
978-2-8094-1937-5. In France, UK, USA, Spain, Canada, Germany and Italy, you can buy the book in Amazon or check this site for more informations: http://www.books-by-isbn.com/2-8094/280941937X-Captain-America-1964-1966-L-integra-2-8094-1937-X.html

